Photography & Retouching For Van, Truck & Trailer Vinyl Graphic Wraps.
Not everyone can create quality artwork for vinyl vehicle graphics. Printing jobs, especially large format design and printing jobs like a van or box truck graphics, are the most challenging. The quality of the original photos have to be good, the resolution has to be high, and the size has to be correct. Even though most will see your vinyl vehicle graphics from afar, many will see it close up as well, so they should be sharp and interesting to look at, like a piece of artwork. That's why we work hard on the retouching.
Before Retouching

After Retouching

Every photo needs retouching, especially when used for vinyl vehicle graphics wraps and truck fleets. The above image of the safe was moved and photographed in many different positions. The face of the safe was most important and photographed on an angle that didn't have too many bad reflections. The right of the safe had serious reflection issues, so it was easier to totally recreated it. Also, the shape of the safe was retouched to be straight. The result was a piece of art that was now worthy of being printed large and installed on a vans, trucks, trailers and even windows.
Choosing The Right Images For Van / Truck Graphic Wrap Design And Printing.
Image everything and this is true especially on a van, truck or trailer graphic wrap design and printing job. It's not a website where you can have multiple images and someone can take their time scrolling to view them all. It's a rolling billboard and therefore images need to be chosen and prepared carefully so that the viewer knows what they looking at quickly while on the road. The image below worked out perfectly because this client provides roofing and gutter services. Trust Graphic Headquarters on your next vehicle wrap graphics design and printing job with on site installation in Orlando.

Mixing Images & Text To Attract Attention To Your Van, Truck Or Trailer Graphics Wrap.
Companies spend lots of money to create advertising like this. Since we've been in the van and graphics wrap design and printing business for so long, we are faster at it so we charge much less. Mixing product shots and people with a well written headline and logo design is a real powerful combination. Van or truck with this type of advertising attracts a lot of attention, and portrays your business as a company.

Concept Design Turns Your Truck Or Van Fleets & Trailers Into A Real Mobile Billboard.
The most powerful but most expensive form of advertising is called "conceptual". Concepts are brainstormed through researching a client's company and industry. But you won't pay a lot because we work faster than most while providing better quality at the time. A good concept is so important because they will likely be used on everything... website home pages, ads, the front of brochures and of course on fleet graphics for vans, trucks and trailers.

Mouthwatering vinyl vehicle graphics & wraps for your food van, truck or trailer.

This layout is to show you the style of bold food tuck, van or trailer graphics that we create.
We start by shooting hi-rez photography of your actual food. We'll shoot at various angles because we don't which shot will look best on the layout. Then we retouch the chosen images so they look their best when printed n your food truck or trailer. We'll extract them from their backgrounds, soften the edges, color balance them and add some contrast so they'll "pop". Depending on your budget, we may even put a background image like shown above.
The next step is to create a layout on a picture of your actual trailer or truck. After an initial presentation of the layout and a few rounds of revisions, we will then be able to prepare it for print. This includes taking super accurate measurements, setting up a hi-rez print file, printing, drying and installing.
This may seem like a lot of work and probably expensive, but it's not because we're fast and accurate.
Call today for a free consultation, presentation and estimate on vinyl graphics wraps design, printing & installation.