Van graphics design needs to be clean and legible without text going over door jams and window weatherstripping, or even gas caps. Van graphics images need to be high resolution and retouched so that they look like advertising artwork and not just a pic. Contact us today for a free consultation and learn more about vehicle wrap design and printing process. It's important to know so that you get a good return on your investment. Call Graphic Headquarters today. We are one of the best vinyl van graphics wrap designers and printing companies in Winter Park.
Custom designed vinyl van graphics wraps installed at your Winter Park location.

Keep your vans on the road and noticed more often in Winter Park traffic with better designs, cheaper printing and on-site installation. Don't have your vans tied up in a sign shop for days getting wrapped and paying more than you need to. It's our job to educate and help business owners in Winter Park, not overcharge them and give them 2nd rate design like most sign shops and printers do.
Van Graphics Wraps Should Be Able To Be Read Quickly In Winter Park.
A van graphics design and printing job should be treated as a rolling billboard. It should work for you to help get the phone ringing and bring in customers. The vinyl graphics on your van fleet should pay for itself. But in order for this to happen, it needs to be designed, printed and installed correctly.
What this means is that the images need to be interesting to look at, therefore they are treated as artwork. They need to be photographed in high resolution and retouched to the best they can be so they stay sharp when printed large.
The text on van graphics needs to be carefully placed so that so that none of the letters get cut through. Also, important contact info needs to be placed high enough to be seen and read over the top of cars when on the road in Winter Park. And never, ever, put a logo over a busy background. Be careful, there are not too many professional print production artists in Winter Park who can design graphic wraps for vans like Graphic Headquarters can.

Additional Reading About Van Graphic Wrap Design & Printing In Winter Park.
Most Van Graphics Wrap Designers & Printers Are Not Good
Most companies like sign shops and printers that design, print and install vinyl van graphics wraps may print and install well but when it comes to design and production, they lack many skills. We've seen $5000 vinyl wraps that are totally illegible. Busy background that take away from the logo and contact info. Logos on vans that are cut in half between 2 doors. Graphic images that are so low in resolution that they are pixelated. Websites placed at the bottom of the van where it won't be seen in traffic. Too many different fonts in too many colors with too many beveled edges and shadows. When your van is on the road, the public only has a few seconds to see and read the graphics.
Vinyl Lettering For Vans
A nice logo with a solid tagline, and some contact information can be also very effective graphics an a van. Yes, adding an image always makes it more attractive, but when designed correctly, vehicle lettering can be attractive as well. No matter how much coverage, full vinyl wrap, partial or just lettering, Graphic Headquarters is the right choice because all of the van graphics we design are both Madison Ave quality and within your budget. We guarantee that your van wrap design will get noticed more often and even complimented on it. And with notoriety comes new customers, which is always the goal.
Where does the content for large format vinyl vehicle graphics printing come from?
You can’t steal images from the internet to use on your van graphics. That's copyright infringement and if the author of the image sees their image used on your van graphics, you can be sued because you’re making money using his image. That could cost you thousands, depending on whether or not is was a registered copyrighted image. Plus, images on the internet are always too small to enlarge and print on a vehicle. The quality would be pixelated and you wouldn’t be happy with the result. The larger the image, the better quality the images need to be. Many will see your van wrap graphics from afar but many will see it up close too, so high resolution retouched images is the only way to go. Some vinyl vehicle graphics wrap layouts may use stock photos for concept usage, but if you want to show your actual products then shooting original photography is the only way.
We create original high resolution photography fast. We photograph your products from different angles in different positions and then choose which one works best for the van wrap layout that we are creating. Once an image has been chosen, it will be retouched. Retouching for van graphic wraps may include silhouetting (extracting image from it’s background), air brushing a shadow under it, color balancing it, or touching up hot spots. We can work quickly because we have been designing, printing and installing vinyl van graphic wraps for many years.
You can’t use your own images on your van graphics wraps.
Images that you may have on your phone or digital camera may be high resolution but are probably far from the quality that you’ll want to have printed on your van. Advertising material, especially van graphics wraps, need to be as best as they can be, as close to perfect as possible, just like tens of thousands of dollar art work that ad agencies create. We take the same steps that an ad agency does to create this type of art work, but for a fraction of the cost.
Who will be designing my van graphics wrap?
The only person who designs vinyl vehicle graphics and wraps at Graphic Headquarters is John C. He has been in the advertising business since he was 16 years old. A super pro who worked at many NYC ad agencies on a slew of Fortune 500 accounts. So he knows how to prepare images that will print at their optimum quality and design layouts that will attract immediate attention.
Who will be printing & installing my van graphics wrap and where?
The only person who will be printing and installing your van graphic wraps is as meticulous as they come. Only Graphic Headquarters will prep all vehicles before any vinyl graphics are applied. Not only are they cleaned, but they are wiped down with alcohol. This extra time prepping your vehicle assures that there will be no peeling on the corners of any text or artwork. We possesses the experience and the right tools to exactly position and apply vinyl van graphics just as they we designed.
Stand out from all the badly designed van graphics and all of the hard to read busy wraps out there.
Learn what makes well designed van graphics and wraps and what doesn’t. Look at our portfolio of bold vinyl van graphics and wraps and get a feel of our style, then get a price on your next van graphics wraps design, printing and installation job. You won’t believe you can get such great design quality and production speed for such an affordable price. Remember Graphic Headquarters for better designed van graphics, cheaper printing & on-site install in Winter Park.
Contact Us Today For A Free Van Graphic Wraps Design & Printing Consultation In Winter Park.
Save At Least $500 Per Van Graphic Wrap, Get Better Design, Cheaper Printing & On-Site Install In Winter Park
Van Wrap Designers Printers | Graphic Headquarters | Winter Park